
Participating Congregations and Organizations
  • American Muslim Voice
  • Bahá'í Community of Palo Alto
  • Beyt Tikkun Synagogue
  • First Congregational Church (United Church of Christ) Palo Alto
  • First Evangelical Lutheran Church Palo Alto
  • First Presbyterian Church Palo Alto
  • First United Methodist Church Palo Alto
  • Mountain View Buddhist Temple
  • Palo Alto Buddhist Temple
  • Palo Alto Friends Meeting
  • St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Palo Alto
  • St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, Palo Alto (Catholic)
  • Social Action Committee of the Redwood City Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship
  • Trinity Church in Menlo Park (Episcopal)
  • Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto
  • Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Los Gatos
  • West Bay Chapter, Buddhist Peace Fellowship

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Suggested Scripts and Resources for Calls to Congress

It is always best to speak from your heart and if you have one, share a personal story about why you are concerned about the issue.

Here is a suggested script, but use your own words:

"My name is __________ and I am a constiuent from ____________ (city, state)." 

"I am calling as a person of faith to urge Senator/Representative  ___________ to oppose ________. "

"This [executive order/action] not only betrays American values, but is also contrary to the values I hold important as a ____________."[Identify your faith tradition, and briefly explain how it leads you to your concern.]

[If you have a story, share it here. For example, sharewhy discrimination on the basis of faith or country is wrong to you, or why it is important to you to welcome refugees. Obviously this story should directly address the action you are calling about.]

"What is Senator/Representative _________ position?" 

If the Senator/Congressperson is already opposed, express your appreciate and support. You might ask if s/he had made a public statement and where you can find that. If the Senator/Representative has not taken a position, urge her/him to do so, and to publicly denounce the order/action and say why. If the Senator/Representative supports the order/action, urge her/him to reconsider. Be respectful but passionate!

"Thank you for your time and please thank the Senator/Congressperson for considering my views."

If you are on social media, you can tweet/facebook post the fact you just made a call to encourage others to join you!

Oppose Unjust Refugee and Immigration Ban: The Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism has good background, although it does not yet include the court-ordered stay and current appeal.

Protect Affordable Health Care: The Friends Committee on National Legislation has some good tips and talking points for calls supporting the affordable health care for all. If you click on the "Can you call today?" link it will lead you to a proposed script and talking points.

Nuclear Weapons: The American Friends Service Committee has is a good source of background information, analysis and recommendations for a number of nuclear weapons issues, however does not as of yet have specific responses to the current administration's threats.  The Op-Ed from the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is worth reading for a more current assessment of the situation.

Attorney General & Supreme Court nominations, anti-immigrant/anti-Muslim Executive Order, DACA & BRIDGE Act - Bend the Arc Jewish Action gives concise background information, talking points and asks for each of these issues, updated Feb. 1, 2017.

NOTE: We will post more links to talking points for particular issues as they are available.

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