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MVPJ has just begun collecting prayers, statements and other faith-based readings from diverse traditions for refugees, immigrants, Muslim-Americans, and others who are hurt by these orders. If you have resources you would like to share, please let us know. We encourage congregational leaders to speak out for friendship and peace with our Muslim sisters and brothers and against Islamophia and hate of any sort. Find ways to educate your congregation about Islam and build relationships and understanding across religious differences. Invite a speaker from American Muslim Voice, CAIR or ING. Organize a time of fellowship and community building between communities. Consider using your church sign as a way to make a public statement of solidarity and friendship with the Muslim community. Click on the link to access the full prayer or statement. Prayer for Refugees from the Roman Catholic Tradition Prayer for Syrian Refugees from the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Coordinator Prayer for Our Nation from RitualWell, proposed as a new Shabbat morning prayer by Rav Shmuly Yanklowitz Declaration of Conscience from the Unitarian Universalists An Open Letter to the President from a Lutheran Bishop of Jerusalem posted by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Church World Service, Religious Leaders and Refugees Statement on Ban on Refugees includes statements from the President and CEO of Church World Service, Syrian refugees, an Iraqi refugee, and national leaders of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), United Church of Christ and Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Prayer for our Country by Rabbi Drorah Setel: Holy One of Blessing, You have taught us that every human being is created in Your image, that we are called to protect the vulnerable and love the stranger, to house the homeless and feed the hungry, and to work for a world of peace. Let us do all we can to realize those values in our beloved country. As citizens of the United States we are blessed with freedoms unequaled in the history of the Jewish people. Let us honor and use those freedoms of speech and assembly, of consent and dissent, to create a nation in which there truly is liberty and justice for all. |