Family Book Event: Fred Korematsu Speaks Up!
Sunday, March 19, 12noon
First Presbyterian Church
1140 Cowper Street., Palo Alto
Featuring authors Stan Yogi and Laura Atkins at this event open to children, families, adults, teachers, librarians and everyone else!
Fred Korematsu challenged the mass incarceration of Japanese Americans when few others did. A new children’s book, Fred Korematsu Speaks Up, explores this civil rights hero’s life and its relevance today.
Join authors Laura Atkins and Stan Yogi to learn about Fred’s lifelong fight for justice. They will read excerpts from the book, talk about the larger historical context, and lead a discussion about what people can do today to speak up for justice. This event is for children, families, teachers, librarians, and anyone who wants to join.
All ages welcome! Books available for sale and signing from Reach And Teach.
Sponsored by Reach And Teach, Japanese American Citizen's League San Mateo, Peninsula Peace and Justice Center, Mutlfaith Voices for Peace & Justice, and American Muslim Voice.
Click here for more information.