Resources for Torture Awareness
These films are available for your use through Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice:
- Primetime Torture (includes Tony Lagouranis, former U.S. Army Interrogator; Howard Gordan, Executive Director of "24" & Ken Robinson, Special Forces (ret.), 14 min., produced by Human Rights First; free)
- Ending U.S.-Sponsored Torture Forever (study for people of faith produced by National Religious Campaign Against Torture; $10 to purchase)
- Taxi to the Dark Side (2007 Academy Award Winner for Best Documentary Feature investigating the torture and killing of an innocent Afghani taxi driver; 106 min.; $15 to purchase)
- Ghosts of Abu Ghraib (HBO documentary by Rory Kennedy with interviews of perpetrators, witnesses and victims examining and contextualizing the abuses; 78 min.; $15 to purchase)
- Sr. Dianna Ortiz, an Ursuline nun, human rights advocate and torture survivor, reads from her book, The Blindfold's Eye: My Journey from Torture to Truth, at the Christian Peace Witness worship in Washington, D.C. on April 29, 2009. Click here to watch on youtube.
DVDs can be borrowed free of charge (you arrange pick up and return) or purchased for cost. Our main goal is to help encourage people to watch the films and engage in discussions in their neighborhoods, congregations and schools.
Contact Diana Gibson at or call 650-248-3104.