California's legislature is currently considering a bill called the California Compassionate Choices Act, which would impact an individual's ability to end his or her life through prescribed medications, after being diagnosed as being terminally ill (less than six months to live).
The steering committee of MVPJ discussed this bill at our last meeting and felt that we should seek the input of our interfaith friends before taking a particular stand. We invite you to take the poll found on our home page and make comments. This is not a simple issue and we are hoping to learn from each other as our state government studies this issue.
To read the current text of the bill [http://www.aroundthecapitol.com/billtrack/text.html?file=ab_651_bill_20060615_amended_sen.html;click here]
To read a San Francisco Chronicle story about the bill, [http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2006/06/18/SUICIDE.TMP;click here]