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  • Social Action Committee of the Redwood City Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship
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Statement Against Christian Nationalism

The Steering Committee of Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice issued this Statement Against Christian Nationalism on March 4, 2025. A slightly shorter version was published in The Mercury News on March 6, 2025 and titled "Americans of conscience must reject Christian nationalism."

Here is the full text:

 As a multifaith organization committed to peace and justice, we call on all governments in the U.S. including local, state, and federal to protect religious freedom. 

We affirm that true religious freedom includes both the right to practice one’s faith and the right to live free from the imposition of religious beliefs through government policy. In the United States we believe the rise of Christian Nationalism in particular threatens this freedom.  

When religion is used as a tool of political power, it often leads to the suppression of fundamental human rights. Therefore, we reject any attempt to use religious doctrine as a basis for governance in a way that restricts reproductive justice, denies LGBTQ individuals equal protection under the law, or marginalizes communities based on faith, race, identity, or national origin.

As people of diverse faiths and ethical traditions, we share a common calling to resist oppression and stand for a society where diversity is celebrated, and justice, equality, and compassion guide our shared future. We call on all people of conscience to reject Christian Nationalism and to work together to uphold the dignity, freedom, and rights of all.


(Note: For the purposes of publication, the letter was signed by Rev. Tom Harris and Rev. Eileen Altman, both members of the MVPJ Steering Committee.)

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