Peaceful Presence Gatherings on 11th of Every Month

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Monthly Multifaith Prayers for Peace and Justice
7-7:30pm on 11th of every month

Tuesday, March 11 - hosted by First Lutheran Church, 600 Homer St., Palo Alto. HYBRID event (Zoom info below) PLUS come a little early (between 6 and 7) to share a bowl of soup and friendship with us.  A vegan soup option will be available. THEME: the nearness of one another, of love, wisdom, help and support during times that can feel isolating.

Peaceful Presence is sometimes hosted in-person, sometimes by Zoom, and sometimes hybrid (with both options - to join in person or via Zoom). Watch for updates!

Multifaith Voices for Peace and Justice coordinates “Peaceful Presence” gatherings, a monthly prayer service on the evening of the 11th of each month, offering a time of quiet multifaith prayers for peace and justice and strength for the journey. Each gathering is hosted by a different local faith community, includes contributions from diverse faith traditions, and has its own format and theme.

All are welcome: those of all faith traditions and of no defined faith, those who are suffering at the hands of their own government, those who need a pause in the midst of intensive work on behalf of others, and all who would like to pray with others for the well-being of all.  The prayer time will include elements from several religious traditions.

Tuesday, March 11 -
hosted by First Lutheran Church, 600 Homer St., Palo Alto. HYBRID event (Zoom info below) PLUS come a little early (between 6 and 7) to share a bowl of soup and friendship with us.  A vegan soup option will be available. THEME: the nearness of one another, of love, wisdom, help and support during times that can feel isolating.
Friday, April 11 - tba
Sunday, May 11 - tba
Wednesday, June 11 - Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto

March 11 Peaceful Presence is HYBRID.

Join in person at 600 Homer St, Palo Alto
or on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 821 9642 8479
Passcode: PeaceZoom

If your congregation or community would like more information to consider hosting a Peaceful Presence, contact