Pray with the Earth for Peace

Tuesday, April 25, 7:45-8:30pm
Trinity Church Chapel, 330 Ravenswood, Menlo Park
In candlelight, with Celtic harp and chant, ritual, reflections and readings from different faith traditions, this Celtic "recharge" is for people who follow different spiritual paths, those who are wondering and those who are wandering, to come together for the strength to persist and work for peace!
In these troubled, troubling times, we know we must be about loving our neighbor, welcoming the stranger, and walking humbly.
But we need quiet time for renewal, for listening for the heartbeat of the One whom we call by many names. Please join us. It's free.
Think of it as bath time for our souls.
"Many paths lead from the foot of the mountain but at the peak we all gaze at the same bright moon"
...whether it is new or full!