Make People our Priority
From the Friends Committee on National Legislation: The president’s budget will hurt people throughout our country and the world and make our communities less safe. Instead, this budget favors militaristic foreign and domestic policies that feed insecurity and fear. ...
This budget prioritizes military might over safe, secure, and healthy communities and people. But the president doesn’t have the final say. Congress makes the ultimate decisions about where the federal government spends its money. Your members of Congress need to hear from you.
In particular, urge your members of Congress to:
- Reject a $54 billion increase in Pentagon spending. The U.S. already spends $600 billion a year on the Pentagon – as much as the next 7 countries combined. After 15 years of failed war strategies in Iraq, Afghanistan, and now expanding into Syria, will more of the same produce a different result?
- Reject a 29% cut to diplomacy, development, and peacebuilding. These proven programs prevent violence before it breaks out help to create a more secure, democratic, and prosperous world.
- Reject a 31% cut to the EPA, which would be catastrophic for the climate, public health, and vulnerable communities. The president’s budget decimates programs that support scientific research on climate change and protect clean air, water, and land.
- Reject a 13% cut in housing support and assistance through the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The National Low Income Housing Coalition estimates that more than 200,000 seniors, families, and people with disabilities would be at immediate risk of evictions and homelessness under this proposal.
Click here to use the FCNL website to email your Congress members, or click here to call them TODAY!