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Emergency Peacekeeping Delegation to Iraq

Rev. Meg and Mr. Peter Lumsdaine presented to MVPJ “Escalation in Iraq” on February 29th at the Friends Meeting House. Meg and Peter are now asking us to pass along this message regarding a delegation to Iraq.

URGENT re:  emergency delegation to Iraq, protective accompaniment in relation to imminent expansion of the U.S. military assault to Karbala and Najaf.

In the face of intense military escalation during this past week (which as you know has left hundreds of Iraqi civilians dead in Fallujah and elsewhere), and consultations with Iraqi friends, a delegation is being organized of U.S. civilians to go to Iraq - specifically as a witness and 'protective accompaniment' presence that would visibly, directly, nonviolently challenge the U.S. military offensive in Iraq at its next, and pivotal, targets - the holy cities of Karbala and Najaf.

Anyone who would consider joining or supporting such a delegation in the days ahead please contact immediately:

Rev. Meg and Mr. Peter Lumsdaine

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