9/11 Multifaith Peace Picnic and Prayers 2024

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Did you miss the 2024 Multifaith Peace Picnic and Prayers? Or perhaps you just want to enjoy photos of some of the beautiful moments! 

These pictures were taken by Alfred Leung from ProBonoPhoto.org. To see the whole photo gallery of the event (with many other wonderful pictures!) click here.

From gathering in song...


to the candlelight vigil  

with moments of inspiration


             and calls to prayer from diverse faith traditions  

this annual gathering was filled

with words of peace and hope


opportunities to strengthen community

create friendships across differences


and take a few steps toward building  

the beloved community.


We sincerely hope that next year you will join with MVPJ, American Muslim Voice, and a multitude of organizations, congregations and communities, as together we seek to move from fear to friendship.

These pictures were taken by Alfred Leung from ProBonoPhoto.org. To see the whole photo gallery of the event (with many other wonderful pictures!) click here.