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  • Social Action Committee of the Redwood City Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship
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Joint Palestinian-Israeli Nakba Remembrance Ceremony

Joint Palestinian-Israeli Nakba Remembrance Ceremony
Wednesday, May 15, 10am (PDT)
Virtual Screening

The Joint Palestinian-Israeli Nakba ("catastrophe" in Arabic) Remembrance Ceremony commemorates the displacement and erasure of hundreds of Palestinian communities, which started in 1948 and continues to the present. Together we recall the pain of the Palestinian community in the year 1948 when more than 700,000 Palestinians became refugees. Families were expelled from their homes, their villages and cities destroyed.

The Nakba Ceremony is the sister event to the Joint Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day Ceremony held on May 12. Combatants for Peace (CfP), organizer of both events, believes that peace and reconciliation involve a sincere and honest reckoning with this history that did not end in 1948 but continues until this day.

"The two ceremonies aim to liberate us from the mental cage of the current situation.... We aim to present this reality of bereavement and dispossession not as a natural and inevitable fact, but as a result of human choices. Seeing these choices for what they are and then choosing differently will allow us to break out of the present and shape a better future."

Acknowledging and honoring the Palestinian experience and history is the only path to healing our collective trauma and forging a peaceful future with true equality, freedom and dignity for all -- and just like the Joint Memorial Ceremony -- we do it together, Palestinians, Israelis and internationals.

CLICK HERE for more information and to register for the virtual screening.

Multfaith Voices for Peace & Justice is honored to be a supporting sponsor of both the Joint Nakba Remembrance Ceremony and the Joint Memorial Day Ceremony.

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