URGENT ACTION: Urge Senator Harris and Congresswoman Eshoo to Cosponsor Bill to Restrict First Use of Nuclear WeaponsUrge Congress to send a strong message to the President regarding the very serious threat of the use of nuclear weapons. A long list of cosponsors have signed a bill entitled "Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act of 2017" that would deny Trump the authority to use nuclear weapons without a declaration of war by Congress. In the House, H.R. 699 has 40 cosponsors, including Rep. Speier and Rep. Lofgren. Rep. Anna Eshoo has not yet signed on as a cosponsor. In the Senate S. 900 has 9 cosponsors, including Sen. Feinstein, but Sen. Harris has not yet added her name. URGE Sen. Harris and Rep. Eshoo to become co-sponsors! Call or email them today! EMAIL Sen. Harris. Thanks to our colleagues at the Peninsula Peace & Justice Center (PPJC) for this information. You may also sign PPJC's letter by clicking here.