First Congregational Church (United Church of Christ) Palo Alto
First Evangelical Lutheran Church Palo Alto
First Presbyterian Church Palo Alto
First United Methodist Church Palo Alto
Mountain View Buddhist Temple
Palo Alto Buddhist Temple
Palo Alto Friends Meeting
St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Palo Alto
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, Palo Alto (Catholic)
Social Action Committee of the Redwood City Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship
Trinity Church in Menlo Park (Episcopal)
Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Los Gatos
West Bay Chapter, Buddhist Peace Fellowship
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As I write these lines I was disturbed by a "Color Red" alert followed by a shocking "Boom". A Thai worker was killed in our friend's greenhouse. I have a awful feeling that we are in for a Horriffic weekend.