
Participating Congregations and Organizations
  • American Muslim Voice
  • Bahá'í Community of Palo Alto
  • Beyt Tikkun Synagogue
  • First Congregational Church (United Church of Christ) Palo Alto
  • First Evangelical Lutheran Church Palo Alto
  • First Presbyterian Church Palo Alto
  • First United Methodist Church Palo Alto
  • Mountain View Buddhist Temple
  • Palo Alto Buddhist Temple
  • Palo Alto Friends Meeting
  • St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Palo Alto
  • St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, Palo Alto (Catholic)
  • Social Action Committee of the Redwood City Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship
  • Trinity Church in Menlo Park (Episcopal)
  • Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto
  • Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Los Gatos
  • West Bay Chapter, Buddhist Peace Fellowship

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AMV 2010 Peace Convention: Replacing the culture of despair, division and violence with a culture of hope, inclusion and peace.

Join American Muslim Voice for their annual peace convention on March 20th at the Muslim Community Association in Santa Clara. Read more for details.

AMV Proudly Presents 2010 Peace Convention    

From Fear to Friendship
: Replacing the culture of despair, division and violence with a culture of hope, inclusion and peace.

This convention is part of the AMV Foundation's ongoing global campaign
“The Miracle Movement of Peace and Friendship. We are walking on the
path Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. paved for all of us to build an inclusive,
 peaceful and beloved world. We are striving to create a culture
of peace, acceptance, mutual respect and harmony in our world.


Master of Cermony

Atif Kamran

Featured Speakers

Congressman Michael Honda

Pete McHugh, Vice Mayor, Milpitas , CA

Dr. Hatem Bazian, Professor at UC Berkeley

Samina Sundas, AMV Founder

Entertainment by  political guru and uncommontator,

Swami Beyondanda

When: Saturday March 20th, 2010
Time: Panel discussions 4:00 to 5:30 PM. Main convention Program: 5:30 to 9:00 PM

Where:  Muslim Community Association (MCA)
3003 Scott Blvd , Santa Clara , CA 95054 | Map

Ticket Cost: Advance purchase: $25.00 Students: $20.00
At the door: $35:00 (Includes dinner and panel discussions)

To serve you better, pre-registration for panel discussions and convention is highly encouraged. For pre registration: Please send us an email at: or with the name of the guests and choice of panel discussion.  Make checks payable to AMV Foundation and mail it to:

120 Park Ave , Palo Alto , Ca 94306. Pick up your tickets at the Will Call table.     For details please visit or call Phone: 650-387-1994.

Our parallel panel discussions will be on the following topics:

The panel discussions will be from 4:00 to 5:30.

 Building trust through multi-faith values

 Moderator: Saeed Malik

Panelists: Imam Tahir Anwar, Michael Yoshii, Rev. Phil Lawson, Craig Wiesner & Dianne Muller

 This panel aims to articulate strategies to bridge gaps between major theologies by focusing on common threads shared by all faiths. The general premise we have found through experience is that regardless of race, religion, culture, or ethnicity, there are far more things that we share in common with one another than there are things that divide us.

Demystifying the meaning of Jihad


Moderator: Shafath Syed

Panelists: Imam Faheem Shuaibe, Wajahat Ali, Sara Jaka and

 This panel aims to address the common misnomers about the term Jihad, its origin, and its meaning. History is littered with examples of theology taken out of context and used subversively for political agenda, much in the same way that the word 'Jihad' has been misappropriated by fear mongers with an altogether different definition than the one we are familiar with. Our goal is to educate convention attendees on the true meaning of 'Jihad' and to highlight the stark differences in context from religious text to politically charged media sensation.

 Debunking the myths about Muslim women

                                                     Moderator: Rabea chaudhry

Panelists: Bhawana Kamil, Banafsheh Akhlaghi Reshma Inamdar and Ahsan Syed.

This panel aims to address the stark contrast between Western impressions of Muslim women and the reality of their status as prescribed by religious text. Sensational reporting from our biased media has successfully associated Muslim women with a deferential status to men, even going as far as to disrespect our sisters with the notion that they are oppressed by their faith. This panel serves as an opportunity to set the record straight about women of Islam and the powerful respect they rightfully command through their faith.

 Interrupting prejudice

Facilitators: Delorme McKee-Stovall, Clarissa Moore, Dawan Muhammad

This workshop addresses common prejudicial challenges most people face but are unequipped to resolve. Attendees will learn how to initiate a dialogue that communicates their concern about bias motivated stereotyping, labeling and scapegoating that is often communicated in jokes, comments,  mis-characterizations, gestures and acts of violence. This workshop has been offered to thousands of Santa Clara County residents and boasts time tested techniques that promote change in biased and hateful behavior while maintaining relationships that mean so much to us. American Muslims are hardly the first group to be targeted by prejudice, though perhaps the latest with the announcement of the TSA resuming ethnic profiling at our major airports. Your participation and willingness to join the alliance of individuals who have pledged to respond to everyday bigotry by SPEAKING UP TO INTERRUPT PREJUDICE will be a testament to equality and social justice. Learn from history in this informative and practical discussion that will change the way you interact with others on a day to day basis wherever prejudice may show itself.

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