Declaration on Mideast Peace by Arab-Jewish Dialogue Group of the South Bay in Santa Clara County, CA
A declaration of peace by members of the Arab-Jewish Dialogue Group of the South Bay in Santa Clara County, California regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Declaration on Mideast Peace by Arab-Jewish Dialogue Group of the South Bay
in Santa Clara County, CA
June 25, 2003
Committed as we are to a peaceful settlement to the Israeli Palestinian conflict
and in recognition of the national aspirations of both communities, we, members
of the Arab-Jewish Dialogue Group of the South Bay in Santa Clara County, California,
would like to issue the following statements regarding the Israeli-Palestinian
We call upon:
(1) Israel to immediately declare its intent to withdraw, in a period not
to exceed 2 years, from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip areas, to approximately
its 1967 borders. Upon cessation of the violence by both sides, Israel shall
withdraw to the pre-September 2000 positions and freeze activities on all new
settlements and all expansions on existing settlements, including ``natural
growth'' expansions.
(2) The Palestinian leadership and public, and the Israeli government and
public to stop all acts of violence against any and all people and property,
and to stop all actions that may hinder the ability of all people to continue
their everyday lives in peace.
(3) An international ``Peacekeeping Force,'' acceptable to both parties, to
be put into place to help prevent violence and to help all residents to live
in peace. Both Israel and Palestine shall actively cooperate with this ``Peacekeeping
Force'' that will mediate local disputes. At a mutually agreed time, these activities
will transition to local policing authorities.
(4) The Israeli people and the Palestinian people to respect the lives and
properties of each other, and to develop exchanges and relationships on all
levels, from the political to the personal, toward the goal of increasing understanding
and becoming good neighbors and future economic partners. The success of this
process depends upon the peaceful and sustained exchanges and relationships
between the two peoples.
We support:
(A) A two state solution. Israel and Palestine are to live side by side and
as neighbors in peace, to normalize human life in the region, and to fully cooperate
in the economic, artistic and cultural areas. Doing so will help Israel and
Palestine realize their potential to be a gateway between Western and Arab economies
for economic development, business development, global trade and exchange.
(B) A free, democratic, viable and demilitarized Palestinian State is to be
established in the West Bank and Gaza. Internationally funded development grants
and loans shall be provided to facilitate the economic viability and prosperity
of the new Palestinian State. It is essential that the funding sources represent
a true cross section of the major economies of the world as well as Palestine's
Middle Eastern neighbors.
(C) Jerusalem is the Holy City for three faiths and is important historically,
nationally, and culturally for the Israelis and Palestinians. It can and should
be the City of Peace. The political solution for Jerusalem should not lead to
its physical division. It is agreed that the city shall remain physically united.
The 1967 West Jerusalem shall be the capital of Israel, including the Jewish
neighborhoods built after 1967, as well as the old Jewish Quarter in East Jerusalem
including the Jewish Western Wall. The pre-1967 East Jerusalem shall be the
capital of the Palestinian State. All citizens of both States and visitors shall
have unlimited and unhindered freedom of access and worship at all the Holy
sites. Any and all adjustments to the 1967 ``borders'' of Jerusalem shall be
done per item (D).
(D) The final fate of the settlements will be decided by negotiations and
should be finalized and implemented within two years. Any adjustment of borders
to annex some settlements to Israel, including those in the Jerusalem area shall
be based on fair exchange of land by both States, Israel and Palestine, and
shall not exceed 4 percent of the West Bank land area.
(E) Upon full implementation of all the measures outlined above, the two States
are to start negotiations on the fate of the Palestinian refugees and their
properties in Israel. The Palestinian refugees should be much encouraged to
accept fair compensation, settle in the Palestinian State or to become full
citizens of the Arab countries where they reside now. A limited number of the
Palestinian refugees, the number to be decided by negotiations, shall be allowed
to go back to Israel.
(F) Upon the implementation of all of the above points, both the Israeli and
Palestinian electorate will be asked to vote on acceptance of the agreement.
A majority vote by both sides will be accepted by citizens of both countries
that the conflict is to be proclaimed at an end and no additional demand will
be made by either Israel or Palestine.
(G) Should any dispute arise, that dispute is then to be submitted either
to a committee selected by Israel and Palestine, which might be the World Court
of Justice in the Hague or other international body selected by mutual consent.
The committee/court decisions are to be final and must be unequivocally accepted
by both sides.
Signed, in no particular order:
Carmel Dekel, Jamal F. Zeid, Victor Barda, Avi Urban, Reyad Katwan, Robert
Bergman, David Aboujoudom, Philip S. Levine, Larissa Keet, Susan Ng, Steve Matusow,
Rita Norton, Frank H. Cohen, Jan L. Feldman, Melanie Aron, Ron Wolk, Michael
Abkin, Nazih Malak, Libby Traubman, Elisa Koff-Ginsborg, Allan R. Divor, Bill
Zeid, Reyad Katwan, Bart Charlow, Randolph Splitter, Len Traubman, Amy L. Lansky